Sunday, May 26, 2013

Back to work - 9 weeks- 11 weeks

Hey everyone. Well, I'm back to work as a mechanic after 9 weeks post-op. Still have a little pain in my stomach, but I can deal with it. Moving and climbing all over equipment isn't as tough as I thought it would be. I thought the reaching would really hurt. I am being very careful what I do so that I don't get a hernia. All the heavy lifting that I used to do will no longer be done. I could've been back to work sooner, but my work required me to take a physical to return to work. Then they sat on the paperwork for a week. UGH!
Now it's been 11 weeks post-op and I've really got back into the swing of things. Yesterday I did a lot movement with my stomach muscles and they got REAL sore. Woke up this morning and most of the pain has subsided. Raising my voice like a yell or scream still hurts a little bit. I'm also figuring out what I'm able to eat and what doesn't agree with me. I have stayed away from the nuts and skinned meats. Didn't really change much in my diet because I tried to eat healthy before I had surgery. I jumped on a scale to see if I'm gaining any of the 35 lbs that I lost and was happy to see that I have gained 5 lbs back. I'm enjoying getting out more since I don't have to go running to a bathroom every 15-20 minutes. I still get the urge to start panicking when I get in traffic or a long line. That's when I reach down and grab my bag or rub around my appliance. It reminds me that even if I have to go I'm protected. That protected feeling calms me down. Sometimes while driving I get phantom pains or sensations that I have to go. I've come to know what those feelings are and how to deal with them. Life with an Ileostomy wasn't a huge transition for me. I have a lot of support and the people online have been a huge help. I guess I'll keep this post going as my life continues. Thanks for reading.


  1. Yay! So glad to hear you're back to work. I wondered if you would have phantom sensations. Hopefully those will go away after a while, but at least you can realize what they are now. I know EXACTLY what you mean about that feeling you get before a long trip. I'm not sure I could take the transition to an ileostomy as bravely as you have, but I can see how it would be comforting to know that you're protected that way. Hope it keeps going well for you.

  2. Believe it or not, the transition wasn't a game changer. My diet hasn't changed much. The only thing that has changed was my sleeping pattern. I have to get up around 3-4 am to empty my bag. Not worrying about bathrooms is awesome! I wish I would've had it done sooner. Thanks for the well wishes. Good luck. Look into a resection. If it's an option.

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