Friday, March 15, 2013

First Week Post-op Surgery

Day 1: It was REALLY hard to move without hurting in every position. I lay flat on my back ...pain, can't lay fully on either side because my left side has drainage tubes and my right side now has a bag hanging three inches from my belly button. Had a stomach drain tube poking out of my nose, and wires all over my chest and an IV in my arm. Looked like I've been to Hell and back, just without the sunburn .
Day 2: Still in basically the same condition only now I was told to get up and get walking around. Yea, I thought the same thing. Screw You! But I tried it. Started by pulling up to a sitting position, where the room span faster then wheels in a NASCAR race. Then I took a deep breath and went for it, thinking only about my balance. BAM! I'm up now what? Slowly shuffling my feet so that anyone in a walker could pass me, I headed out around the nurses island. One lap and I was exhausted. Back to bed I went. After a quick nap, some pain meds and trying to get comfortable, now they want me to pee. I laughed. Didn't feel like I had to go. Later they did a Straight Catheter and pulls the juices from my loins. Yea, not something I wanted to do again. Then off too LA LA Land it was for me again.
Day 3: Day three started off with the normal abdomen pains only now I'm hearing this strange noise. Like a gurgling. So now my new stoma wants to talk to me, as didn't sound to happy! With every gurgle a sharp pain would stab me in the belly.  That's was good though right? Yes, but it hurt bad. Now the nausea sets in. So picture this: laying on your back, slightly elevated, room spinning making you want to throw up, and abdominal pain all at once. Now let throw in the tantalizing sent of fresh blueberry pancakes. Yup, you guessed it, rolled over and out it came. So I finish my "Speech" and try to make my way to thee bathroom to get cleaned up. After I get cleaned up, I make my way back to bed for a while. NOTE** Let your nurse know the second you free bad. Might have helped. 
DAY  4: This is the day where I was starting to remember things going on around me. Still not eating anything, Ice chips is the only thing I could have. Today was just a maintain day and try not to throw up.
DAY 5: Today my Doctor decides that I'm allowed to start my clear liquid diet. Beef broth to start out a day. You would've thought I had a Prime rib in front of me. I was so happy to eat something that had some flavor other then the ice chips.2 meals later I was moved up to solid foods. To my surprised, I was feeling better since I was getting more nutrients in me.
DAY 6: After uncovering my meal, I realize that I  am only going to eat super small portions. 1 slice of french toast and a fork full of eggs small portion.Just after breakfast, my doctor shows up and asked how I was doing. I told him I was keeping food down and felt tender but good. His response, to my surprise, was "OK well lets get your discharge paperwork started then". YEA!! I GET TO GO HOME!!!
DAY 7: One week after surgery, I still have to keep moving and eat small portion, but am starting to feel good. Not sure if it's because I'm home or because I got more then 4 hours of broken sleep. Think I might have gotten around 7 hours of sleep.